Task A. Pilot Qualifications
References 14 CFR parts 61, 68, 91; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; AC 68-1
Objective To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with airman and medical certificates including privileges, limitations, currency, and operating as pilot-in-command (PIC) as a private pilot.
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
PA.I.A.K1 Certification requirements, recent flight experience, and recordkeeping.
PA.I.A.K2 Privileges and limitations.
PA.I.A.K3 Medical certificates: class, expiration, privileges, temporary disqualifications.
PA.I.A.K4 Documents required to exercise private pilot privileges.
PA.I.A.K5 Part 68 BasicMed privileges and limitations.
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
PA.I.A.R1 Failure to distinguish proficiency versus currency.
PA.I.A.R2 Flying unfamiliar airplanes, or operating with unfamiliar flight display systems, and avionics.
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
PA.I.A.S1 Apply requirements to act as PIC under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in a scenario given by the evaluator.
Task B. Airworthiness Requirements
References 14 CFR parts 39, 43, 91; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25
Objective To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with airworthiness requirements, including airplane certificates.
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
PA.I.B.K1 General airworthiness requirements and compliance for airplanes, including:
PA.I.B.K1a a. Certificate location and expiration dates
PA.I.B.K1b b. Required inspections and airplane logbook documentation
PA.I.B.K1c c. Airworthiness Directives and Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins
PA.I.B.K1d d. Purpose and procedure for obtaining a special flight permit
PA.I.B.K2 Pilot-performed preventive maintenance.
PA.I.B.K3 Equipment requirements for day and night VFR flight, to include:
PA.I.B.K3a a. Flying with inoperative equipment
PA.I.B.K3b b. Using an approved Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
PA.I.B.K3c c. Kinds of Operation Equipment List (KOEL)
PA.I.B.K3d d. Required discrepancy records or placards
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
PA.I.B.R1 Inoperative equipment discovered prior to flight
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
PA.I.B.S1 Locate and describe airplane airworthiness and registration information.
PA.I.B.S2 Determine the airplane is airworthy in a scenario given by the evaluator.
PA.I.B.S3 Apply appropriate procedures for operating with inoperative equipment in a scenario given by the evaluator.
Task C. Weather Information
References 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-25; AC 00-6, AC 00-45, AC 00-54; AIM
Objective To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with weather information for a flight under VFR.
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
PA.I.C.K1 Sources of weather data (e.g., National Weather Service, Flight Service) for flight planning purposes.
PA.I.C.K2 Acceptable weather products and resources required for preflight planning, current and forecast weather for departure, en route, and arrival phases of flight.
PA.I.C.K3 Meteorology applicable to the departure, en route, alternate, and destination under VFR in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) to include expected climate and hazardous conditions such as:
PA.I.C.K3a a. Atmospheric composition and stability
PA.I.C.K3b b. Wind (e.g., crosswind, tailwind, windshear, mountain wave, etc.)
PA.I.C.K3c c. Temperature
PA.I.C.K3d d. Moisture/precipitation
PA.I.C.K3e e. Weather system formation, including air masses and fronts
PA.I.C.K3f f. Clouds
PA.I.C.K3g g. Turbulence
PA.I.C.K3h h. Thunderstorms and microbursts
PA.I.C.K3i i. Icing and freezing level information
PA.I.C.K3j j. Fog/mist
PA.I.C.K3k k. Frost
PA.I.C.K3l l. Obstructions to visibility (e.g., smoke, haze, volcanic ash, etc.)
PA.I.C.K4 Flight deck displays of digital weather and aeronautical information.
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
PA.I.C.R1 Factors involved in making the go/no-go and continue/divert decisions, to include:
PA.I.C.R1a a. Circumstances that would make diversion prudent
PA.I.C.R1b b. Personal weather minimums
PA.I.C.R1c c. Hazardous weather conditions to include known or forecast icing or turbulence aloft
PA.I.C.R2 Limitations of:
PA.I.C.R2a a. Onboard weather equipment
PA.I.C.R2b b. Aviation weather reports and forecasts
PA.I.C.R2c c. Inflight weather resources
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
PA.I.C.S1 Use available aviation weather resources to obtain an adequate weather briefing.
PA.I.C.S2 Analyze the implications of at least three of the conditions listed in K3a through K3l above, using actual weather or weather conditions in a scenario provided by the evaluator.
PA.I.C.S3 Correlate weather information to make a competent go/no-go decision.
Task D. Cross-Country Flight Planning
References 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; Navigation Charts; Chart Supplements; AIM; NOTAMs
Objective To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with cross-country flights and VFR flight planning.
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
PA.I.D.K1 Route planning, including consideration of different classes and special use airspace (SUA) and selection of appropriate and available navigation/communication systems and facilities.
PA.I.D.K2 Altitude selection accounting for terrain and obstacles, glide distance of the airplane, VFR cruising altitudes, and the effect of wind.
PA.I.D.K3 Calculating:
PA.I.D.K3a a. Time, climb and descent rates, course, distance, heading, true airspeed, and groundspeed
PA.I.D.K3b b. Estimated time of arrival to include conversion to universal coordinated time (UTC)
PA.I.D.K3c c. Fuel requirements, to include reserve
PA.I.D.K4 Elements of a VFR flight plan.
PA.I.D.K5 Procedures for activating and closing a VFR flight plan.
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
PA.I.D.R1 Pilot.
PA.I.D.R2 Aircraft.
PA.I.D.R3 Environment (e.g., weather, airports, airspace, terrain, obstacles).
PA.I.D.R4 External pressures.
PA.I.D.R5 Limitations of air traffic control (ATC) services.
PA.I.D.R6 Improper fuel planning.
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
PA.I.D.S1 Prepare, present, and explain a cross-country flight plan assigned by the evaluator including a risk analysis based on real-time weather, to the first fuel stop.
PA.I.D.S2 Apply pertinent information from appropriate and current aeronautical charts, Chart Supplements; NOTAMs relative to airport, runway and taxiway closures; and other flight publications.
PA.I.D.S3 Create a navigation plan and simulate filing a VFR flight plan.
PA.I.D.S4 Recalculate fuel reserves based on a scenario provided by the evaluator.
Task E. National Airspace System
References 14 CFR parts 71, 91, 93; FAA-H-8083-2; Navigation Charts; AIM
Objective To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with the National Airspace System (NAS) operating under VFR as a private pilot.
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
PA.I.E.K1 Types of airspace/airspace classes and associated requirements and limitations.
PA.I.E.K2 Charting symbology.
PA.I.E.K3 Special use airspace (SUA), special flight rules areas (SFRA), temporary flight restrictions (TFR), and other airspace areas.
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
PA.I.E.R1 Various classes and types of airspace.
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
PA.I.E.S1 Identify and comply with the requirements for basic VFR weather minimums and flying in particular classes of airspace.
PA.I.E.S2 Correctly identify airspace and operate in accordance with associated communication and equipment requirements.
PA.I.E.S3 Identify the requirements for operating in SUA or within a TFR. Identify and comply with SATR and SFRA operations, if applicable.
Task F. Performance and Limitations
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
Task G. Operation of Systems
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
Task H. Human Factors
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to:
Task I. Water and Seaplane Characteristics, Seaplane Bases, Maritime Rules, and Aids to Marine Navigation (ASES, AMES)
Knowledge The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
Risk Management The applicant demonstrates the ability to identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Skills The applicant demonstrates the ability to: